Delaware State Executive - Secretary of State
Recent News About Delaware State Executive - Secretary of State
Delaware one of 24 states aligned with 'hyper-partisan' voter data group
A total of 24 states, including Delaware, are members with nationwide group working with voter data that has been accused of "hyper-partisanship," according to an analysis by First State Times.
Analysis: Delaware among 24 states affiliated with 'hyper-partisan' voter data group
Delaware is among 24 states that are members of a national voter data group accused of partisanship in its work to expand voter rolls and lacking in transparency, an analysis by the First State Times found.
Secretary of State Jeff Bullock Announces Leadership Changes
Secretary of State Jeff Bullock announced on Friday that Jordan Schulties, Director of the Division of Small Business, and Tim Slavin, Director of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, will depart from their roles to embark on new journeys at the Delaware Department of Technology and Information (DTI) and Fort Dupont Redevelopment & Preservation Corporation, respectively.