
First State Times

Sunday, March 9, 2025

DEHAP Rental Assistance Is Open For New Applications


Eugene R. Young, Jr. | Delaware State Housing Authority

Eugene R. Young, Jr. | Delaware State Housing Authority

Dover, Del. – The Delaware State Housing Authority announced today the reopening of the DEHAP Rental Assistance Program, in addition to its new program guidelines. New applications and recertifications, which were unavailable during the pause, are now accessible through the DEHAP portal here: www.decovidhousinghelp.com.

All applications submitted on or after Wednesday, October 12, 2022, will be reviewed for eligibility under the new program guidelines, which include: 

  • Eligible households must be at 50% Area Median Income (AMI) or less AND provide documentation to verify their income 
  • Households may receive a maximum rental assistance amount of $1,500 per month and a maximum utility assistance amount of $500 per month
  • Households may still receive up to 18 months of assistance for past due, current, and future rent, and up to 18 months of assistance for past due and current utilities
Households who submitted applications before the application portal paused on September 9 will have until October 14 to provide any missing documentation required to process their application. If missing documentation is not received by the deadline, the application will be closed out and the applicant will need to reapply under the new program guidelines.

The DEHAP Program is funded through the federal Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program, which the U.S. Treasury Department distributed to Delaware in January (ERA-1) and May 2021 (ERA-2). ERA-1 funding expired on September 30, 2022.

While ERA-2 funding is not set to expire until 2025, recent federal U.S. Treasury policy changes and the ongoing high demand for assistance have forced DSHA to make the abovementioned changes to ensure the program can continue to assist renters at increased risk of eviction.

“Thank you all for your patience during this program pause. I commend the DSHA staff and 15 DEHAP community navigators for their diligence in making the process as smooth as possible,” said Eugene R. Young, Jr. “We’re eager to keep up the program’s momentum as we work to help Delaware renters at high-risk of eviction.”

To date, the DEHAP program has dispersed over $114 million in ERA funding, serving close to 20,000 Delawareans as they recovered from the devastating impact of the pandemic. This summer, Delaware was recognized at the White House Eviction Prevention Conference for using its rental assistance program to keep eviction rates low during the COVID-19 pandemic and even after federal and state eviction protections had expired. 

For additional details on the DEHAP Program, all are encouraged to visit decovidhousinghelp.com, call (866) 935-0407, or visit one of DEHAP’s Community Navigators


About Delaware State Housing Authority

The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA), formed in 1968, is dedicated to providing quality, affordable housing opportunities and appropriate supportive services to low- and moderate-income Delawareans. In addition to its role as the State’s Housing Finance Agency, DSHA is unique in that it serves as a Public Housing Authority and a Community Development and Planning Agency. As a Public Housing Authority, DSHA receives funding from HUD to build, own and operate public housing in Kent and Sussex counties, two of Delaware’s three counties. For more information about DSHA, please call (302) 739-4263 or visit destatehousing.com



Kent CountyPersons in Family

New Castle CountyPersons in Family

Sussex CountyPersons in Family


  • Why did the program guidelines change?
    • Program changes are being made in accordance with federal U.S. Treasury guidance. DEHAP is funded by federal ERA-1 and ERA-2 funding. ERA-1 expired on September 30, 2022 and this transition will allow DSHA to conserve as much ERA-2 assistance as possible for Delaware renters and landlords.
  • What are the DEHAP Changes?
    • New income eligible limits. Eligible households must be at 50% Area Median Income (AMI) or less
  • New documentation requirements. Eligible households must provide documentation to verify their income such as 2020 or 2021 tax returns or federal or state benefits letter.
  • New assistance limits. Households may receive a maximum rental assistance amount of $1,500 per month and a maximum utility assistance amount of $500 per month
  • Can I submit a new application or recertification now?
    • Yes, the application portal is open for new applications and recertifications. We encourage you to review the new eligibility requirements prior to applying.
  • Is in person application assistance still available?
    • Yes, DEHAP Community Navigators are still available to assist you with completing an application. Click here to find a community navigator near you.
  • I applied before the program pause and my application is still in progress. What should I do?
    • Households who submitted applications before the application portal paused on September 9 will have until October 14 to provide any missing documentation required to process their application. If missing documentation is not received by the deadline, the application will be closed out and the applicant will need to reapply under the new program guidelines. To find out what’s needed for your application, log onto the DEHAP portal, call (866) 935-0407, or connect with your landlord/tenant. 
  • I don’t meet the new program guidelines. What should I do?
Original source can be found here