
First State Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

Pump pain: Delaware drivers to spend $36.08 more on gas on average this February

The average Delaware driver will pay $36.08 more at the pump in February 2022 than they did in February 2021, according to an analysis of gas prices from the AAA motor club and Federal Highway Administration (FHA) data by First State Times.

Delaware drivers will pay an average of $3.28 per gallon of regular gasoline this month versus $2.45 last year. This is a 33.9 percent increase equaling $0.83 per gallon.

Of the three Delaware metropolitan areas analyzed, drivers in Wilmington-Newark (DE only) faced the largest price hike at the pump in the last year of $37.51. Milford-Seaford was spared the worst pain, with the price of gas rising $34.17 from February 2021 to February 2022.

Gas prices across the US hit a seven-year high following a significant drop at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The price of gas, derived from the cost of oil manufactured around the world, has the power to substantially change the free market and influence many industries.

A short-term outlook report from the US Energy Information Administration predicted gas rates will fall throughout 2022.

Delaware drivers average 1,050.8 miles and use 43.4 gallons of gasoline per month, according to the FHA.

Delaware gas price difference - February 2021 vs. February 2022

Market20222021CHG%Total increase
Wilmington-Newark (DE only)$3.29$2.43$0.8635.6%$37.51